Posting Rules:
No double posting. That means if you think you didn't post something check first if you double post 5 times you will be banned for 3 days 10 times you will be banned for a week 20 times you will get a permanenent ban. And dont use the Yes/No thing unless you are in the pokemon regions trying to catch a pokemon and that rule applies to everybody
Swear if you must but dont over do it Ex what the I lost my fuckin pokemon man this is some total shit. Because there are kids on this site to but abbreviations are fine ex wtf
This is a site that stays clean that means no spamming Spamming is only allowed in the 1 billion post and spamfest section No hentai/porn or anything that make people go ewww/olala lol!!!
If you want to be a mod we can make you a mod asking will lower your chances to become an admin or mod, no spamming some members find it realy annoying, and no saying arsy ate 150 push ups yesterday/today that makes him mad.
Account rules:
You are only allowed one account
Ban rules
If you are banned dont try to come back if you do your ban will become longer if you edit someones profile you will be banned ( does not apply to mods/admins)
Forum rpg rules
When you start an adventure in the forums rpg page you have to specify the pokemon you wish to meet(has to be first stage or baby stage ) the mods or admins will play the pokemon encountered and we decide what lvl it is and we sometimes choose them randomly so be ready for a battle in the forums rpg page you will follow these forum rpg rules until further notice